Report on BUSTER refinement run in directory 01_refine

N.B. initial structure has some really bad geometry restraint violations
     WARNING: Have |delta/sigma| deviations > 5.0 sigma. Number of outliers for each term: 
     WARNING:      2052 bond lengths. Worst is    27.3 sigs     1.61 Angs A|501:C17=C16 (468)
     WARNING:        18 bond angles.  Worst is    17.3 sigs    99.37 degs A|501:C2=C3=N11 (468)
     WARNING:         2 planes.       Worst is    13.8 sigs     0.28 Angs A|501:C8=C7=N11=C3 (468)
     WARNING:         5 idealD contacts. Worst    15.7 sigs     1.17 Angs A|864:O=O (HOH) symm: 1555=11656

Refinement vital statistics
initial final
Ncycles big 0 5
Ncycles small 0 307
X-ray weight 4.00 3.24
Rwork 0.1822 0.1518
Rfree 0.1837 0.1778
100*(Rfree-Rwork) 0.2% 2.6%
(cumulative Log-Likelihood Gain, working set)
0 0.2141
(cumulative Log-Likelihood Gain, free set)
0 0.0122
RMS bond in Å 0.0231 0.0094
RMS angle in degrees 1.66 1.04
High resolution limit in Å 1.86 1.86
Low resolution limit in Å 46.20 17.34
Number of waters 368 368
help? see BUSTER wiki Refinement vital statistics

Graph of R/Rfree against cycle of refinement


reciprocal space correlation coefficient plots
mtv svg agr png pdf
mtv svg agr png pdf
help? see BUSTER wiki interpreting reciprocal-space CC plots

Run conditions
refine command /mnt/scratch_fs1/osmart/autobuster/Server/autoBUSTER/bin/linux64/refine -p 2h7p_hydrogenate.pdb -m 2h7p/2h7p.mtz -l 468.grade_PDB_ligand.cif -M TLSbasic -d 01_refine -report
BUSTER version, run at, by user 2.13.0, Mon Jun 16 17:53:36 BST 2014, osmart
in directory /home/osmart/2014/06/erice_workshop/introtutorial/buster
nthreads, hostname, OS 6, hypatia, Ubuntu precise (12.04.4 LTS)
buster-report command /home/osmart/autobuster/Server/scripts/buster-report -d 01_refine -dr -f
buster-report version, run at, by user 1.1.4 <July 25 2015>, Sat Jul 25 19:27:21 2015, osmart
buster-report run on refine directory /home/osmart/2014/06/erice_workshop/introtutorial/buster/01_refine
buster-report output directory /home/osmart/2014/06/erice_workshop/introtutorial/buster/
final pdb coordinates
final mtzfile
this report pdf version report.pdf
this report tsv version report.tsv
this report xml version report.xml
help? see BUSTER wiki Run conditions table
Main X-ray Ligand analysis Geometry details Refinement progress Real-space correlation coefficients MolProbity analysis