Main X-ray Ligand analysis Geometry details Refinement progress Real-space correlation coefficients MolProbity analysis

MolProbity analysis

Summary statistics

Clashscore, all atoms:6.55 93rd percentile* (N=777, 1.86Å ± 0.25Å)
Clashscore is the number of serious steric overlaps (> 0.4 Å) per 1000 atoms.
Poor rotamers52.45% Goal: <1%
Ramachandran outliers10.38% Goal: <0.05%
Ramachandran favored25595.86% Goal: >98%
MolProbity score^1.9472nd percentile* (N=11957, 1.86Å ± 0.25Å)
Cβ deviations >0.25Å00.00% Goal: 0
Bad backbone bonds:0 / 10710.00% Goal: 0%
Bad backbone angles:1 / 13370.07% Goal: <0.1%
In the two column results, the left column gives the raw count, right column gives the percentage.
* 100th percentile is the best among structures of comparable resolution; 0th percentile is the worst. For clashscore the comparative set of structures was selected in 2004, for MolProbity score in 2006.
^ MolProbity score combines the clashscore, rotamer, and Ramachandran evaluations into a single score, normalized to be on the same scale as X-ray resolution.

For full MolProbity multichart with per-residue violation information, see here

Ramachandran plot

266 residues were evaluated in total for general, glycine, proline, and pre-pro.
96.99% of all residues were in favored (98%) regions. (258 residues)
99.62% of all residues were in allowed (>99.8%) regions. (265 residues)
There were 1 outliers:
    A 150 ASP: (phi,psi) = (-36.39, 106.99)

For more information see:
Main X-ray Ligand analysis Geometry details Refinement progress Real-space correlation coefficients MolProbity analysis